Indiana Introduction to Business Standards Alignment

The Introduction to Business standards forms the cornerstone of accounting, management, and marketing courses in the state of Indiana. This means it borrows heavily from our Management, Marketing, Accounting, and Economics activity libraries, which can be readily mixed and matched to perfectly supplement existing lesson plans (or used on their own for 100% integrated lessons).

Activity Type Key:

Interactive Calculators
Comprehensive Tools
Includes Built-In Assessment

Standard Activity Activity Type
Business Management Centralized and Decentralized Management Explained
Leading VS Directing
Internal Risk Management
Importance of Planning and Vision
Human Resource Planning
Integrating Risk Management
Marketing Foundations of Marketing
Working With Segments and Target Markets
Developing A Marketing Plan
Entrepreneurship What is Entrepreneurship?
Importance of Planning and Vision
Corporate Debt
Stock Game
Forms of Business Ownership
Issuing stock and dividends
Types of Companies
Social Responsibility In Management
Building a Case Study